anthropologist, geographer, social theorist, social critic
Nicholas De Genova

London, 2016 (N. De Genova)
In Press, 2025 a
“Hiding in Plain Sight: Whiteness and the Midwest Region in the U.S. Nationalist Imagination”
History and Anthropology
Special Book Review forum on: Britt Halvorson and Joshua Reno, Imagining the Heartland: White Supremacy and the American Midwest​
In Press, 2025 b
“Postcoloniality, Race, and the Ruse of Asylum: An Interview with Nicholas De Genova”
(conducted by Ananya Roy and Veronika Zablotsky)
in Ananya Roy and Veronika Zablotsky with Leisy Abrego, Gaye Theresa Johnson and Maite Zubiaurre, eds.
Beyond Sanctuary: The Humanism of a World in Motion (Durham, NC: Duke University Press)
In Press, 2025 c
“The Blackness of Labor, the Blackness of Migration”
in Michaeline A. Crichlow and Patricia Northover, eds.
Decoloniality in the Break of Global Blackness (New York: Routledge)
2024 a
“Free Speech, Academic Freedom, and the Vocation of the Intellectual”
PARISS: Political Anthropological Research on International Social Sciences, (2024) Number 5
Special Forum: PARISS Collective, “Biographical Reflections On Academic Freedom—Part One”; pp. 15-18
2024 b
“Migration, Race, and the Racializing Strategy of Borders”
International Migration, Volume 62, Number 5 (Published online: September 15, 2024)
“Commentary” on the theme of “Migration and Race”
2024 c
“COVID Capitalism: The Contested Logistics of Migrant Labour Supply Chains in the Double Crisis”
(co-authored with Stephan Scheel and Soledad Álvarez Velasco)
Politics Volume 44, Number 2 (First published online: February 18, 2024)
Introduction to special thematic issue: “COVID Capitalism: The Contested Logistics of Migrant Labour Supply Chains in the Double Crisis”
2024 d
“From Muscular Nationalisms to Struggles for Freedom:

Interview with Nicholas De Genova and Nandita Sharma”
(conducted by Angharad Closs Stephens and Martina Tazzioli)
in Angharad Closs Stephens and Martina Tazzioli, eds. Collective Movements and Emerging Political Spaces (London: Routledge)
2024 e
“The Legal Production of Mexican/Migrant ‘Illegality’”
in Lourdes Torres and Marisa Alicea, eds. Latino Studies: A 20th Anniversary Reader (New York: Palgrave Macmillan)
2023 a
“Border Abolitionism: Analytics/ Politics”
(co-authored with Martina Tazzioli)
Social Text Volume 41, Number 3 (Issue #156)
2023 b
“A Racial Theory of Labour: Racial Capitalism from Colonial Slavery to Postcolonial Migration”
Historical Materialism Volume 31, Number 3 (First published online: 31 May 2023)
Special thematic issue: “Race and Capital”
2023 c
Cultural Dynamics Volume 35, Number 4 (First published online: 15 October 2023)
Special Book Review forum on: Denise Ferreira da Silva, Unpayable Debt
2023 d
(interview conducted and co-authored with Soledad Álvarez Velasco)
Studies in Social Justice Volume 17, Number 1
Special thematic issue: “Farm Work, Migration and the Diverse Forms of Struggle for Social Justice”
2023 e
“‘Look, an Illegal Alien!’: The Rhetorics of Migrant ‘Illegality’ and the Racialization of Mexicanness”
Quarterly Journal of Speech Volume 109, Number 1 (Published online: 2 Feb 2023)
Special Book Review forum on:
Lisa A. Flores, Deportable and Disposable: Public Rhetoric and the Making of the “Illegal” Immigrant
2023 f
“Fracturer le régime international des frontières: Pour une politique de la liberté de mouvement”
(In French translation: “Shattering the International Border Regime: For a Politics of Free Movement”)
Interview with Nicholas De Genova, conducted by Mouloud Idir
in Mouloud Idir, Chedly Belkhodja, and Élodie Ekobena (eds),
(Dé)passer la frontière. L’hospitalité en actes: La liberté de mouvement en commun (Montreal: Centre Justice et Foi/ Vivre Ensemble).
2022 a
“Minor Keywords of Political Theory: Migration as a Critical Standpoint”
A collective writing project involving 22 co-authors; coordinated, co-edited, and introduced by Nicholas De Genova and Martina Tazzioli
Environment & Planning C: Politics and Space Volume 40, Number 4 (published online: March 10, 2021; DOI: 10.1177/2399654420988563)
2022 b
Communication, Culture and Critique Volume 15, Number 2 (published online: 4 April 2022)
Special thematic issue: “Digital Migration Practices and the Everyday”
2022 c
in Beverley Skeggs, Sara R. Farris, and Alberto Toscano (eds.),
The Sage Handbook of Marxism (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications)
2022 d
“Las caravanas migrantes: Una fuerza y forma de resistencia innegable:
Conversación con el periodista honidureño Inmer Gerardo Chevez”
(In Spanish: “Migrant Caravans: An Undeniable Force and Form of Resistance:
A Conversation with Honduran Journalist Inmer Gerardo Chevez”)
(interview conducted and co-authored with Soledad Álvarez Velasco)
Desacatos: Revista de Ciencias Sociales #70 (Published online: 5 October 2022) (Mexico City)
2022 e
“Spatial Convulsions, Racial Concussions: Die Grenzen und Begrenzungen des ‘Europäischen’ Problems”
[In German: Spatial Convulsions, Racial Concussions: The Borders and Boundaries of the ‘European’ Problem”]
in Valeria Hänsel, Karl Heyer, Matthias Schmidt-Sembdner, and Nina V. Schwarz (eds.),
Von Moria bis Hanau: Brutalisierung und Widerstand — Grenzregime IV [From Moria to Hanau: Brutalization and Resistance — Border Regime IV]. (Berlin: Assoziation A)
2021 a
“The Vicious Circle: Policing and the Culture of White Male Violence”
Spectre (published online: April 13, 2021)
2021 b
in Christine M. Jacobsen, Marry-Anne Karlsen, and Shahram Khosravi (eds.),
Waiting and the Temporalities of Irregular Migration (London & New York: Routledge)
2021 c
in Catherine Ramírez, Sylvanna Falcón, Juan Poblete, Steve McKay, and Felicity Amaya Schaeffer (eds.),
Precarity and Belonging: Labor, Migration, and Noncitizenship (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press)
2021 d
“Anonymous Brown Bodies: The Productive Power of the Deadly U.S.-Mexico Border”
From the European South Number 9 (published online: 5 November 2021)
Special Focus thematic section: “Borders, Race, and Global Mediascapes: Deconstructing Violence in Politics and Representations”
2021 e
“Anonymous Brown Bodies: The Productive Power of the Deadly U.S.-Mexico Border”
in Jamie Longazel and Miranda Cady Hallett (eds.),
Migration and Mortality: Social Death, Dispossession, and Survival in the Americas (Philadelphia: Temple University Press).
2021 f
“Life versus Capital: The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Politics of Life”
Cultural Dynamics Volume 33, Number 3 (published online: May 4, 2021)
Special thematic issue: “Post-Covid: Transforming Market Economies”
2021 g
“On Standby … at the Borders of ‘Europe’”
ephemera: theory & politics in organization Volume 21, Number 1 (February 2021; published online: September 4, 2020)
Special thematic issue: “Standby: Organizing modes of in|activity”
2021 h
in Beverley Skeggs, Sara R. Farris, Alberto Toscano, and Svenja Bromberg (eds.),
The SAGE Handbook of Marxism, 3 Volumes (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications)
2020 a
“‘Everything Is Permitted’: Trump, White Supremacy, Fascism”
American Anthropologist Volume 122, Number 1 (published online: March 23, 2020)
Commentary, online supplement to Special Section on “The Anthropology of White Supremacy”
2020 b
“American Carnage: Police Racism, Riots, and Racial Justice”
Spectre (published online: June 15, 2020)
2020 c
“Kidnapping Migrants as a Tactic of Border Enforcement”
(co-authored with Martina Tazzioli)
Environment & Planning D: Society and Space Volume 38, Number 5 (published online: May 22, 2020)
2020 d
“Life versus Capital: The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Politics of Life”
Spectre (Published online: June 1, 2020)
2020 e
“Life versus Capital: COVID-19 and the Politics of Life”
Social Anthropology / Anthropologie Sociale Volume 28, Number 2 (published online: May 18, 2020)
(special thematic forum: “COVID-19: Urgent Anthropological Reflectiions”)
2020 f
PARISS: Political Anthropological Research on International Social Sciences Volume 1, Number 2
2020 g
“The Convulsive European Space of Mobilities”
PARISS: Political Anthropological Research on International Social Sciences Volume 1, Number 1
2020 h
(co-authored with Ananya Roy)
Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography Volume 52, Number 2
(special thematic issue: “New Poverty Politics for Changing Times”; published online: 24 January 2020)
2020 i
“Art and Migration: Editorial Introduction”
(co-authored with Erling Björgvinsson, Mahmoud Keshavarz, and Tintin Wulia)
PARSE: Platform for Artistic Research Sweden Issue #10 [Spring 2020] (University of Gothenburg)
2020 j
(Aleksander Motturi, Kitso Lelliott, Martina Tazzioli and William Walters, with questions from Erling Björgvinsson and Nicholas De Genova)
PARSE: Platform for Artistic Research Sweden Issue #10 [Spring 2020] (University of Gothenburg)
2020 k
“Fronteras virales a través de las Américas”
(Trans)Fronteriza [Journal of the “Fronteras: Movilidades, Identidades y Comercios” Working Group of the Latin American Council of Social Sciences/ Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales — CLACSO (Buenos Aires)], Number 3
(special thematic issue: “(Im)movilidades en las Américas y COVID-19”)
2020 l
REMHU - Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana Volume 28, Number 59 (Brasília)
2020 m
“The Economy of Detainability: Theorizing Migrant Detention”
in Julia Eckert, ed. The Bureaucratic Production of Difference: Ethos and Ethics in Migration Bureaucracies (Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag)
2019 a
“Latino Studies, Latino/a/X Futures: Provocations toward a Prospectus”
Cultural Dynamics Volume 31, Numbers 1–2 (February-May 2019)
(special thematic issue: “LatinX Studies: Variations and Velocities”)
2019 b
“The Securitization of Roma Mobilities and the Re-Bordering of Europe”
in Huub van Baar, Ana Ivasiuc, and Regina Kreide, eds. The Securitization of the Roma in Europe
(Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan)
2019 c
“The ‘Migrant Crisis’ as Racial Crisis: Do ‘Black Lives Matter’ in Europe?”
in Suman Gupta and Satnam Virdee, eds. Race and Crisis. London and New York: Routledge.
2019 d
“Detention, Deportation, and Waiting: Toward a Theory of Migrant Detainability”
Gender and výzkum / Gender and Research Volume 20, Number 1 (Prague, Czech Republic)
2018 a
“Migration and the Mobility of Labor”
in Matt Vidal, Tony Smith, Tomás Rotta, and Paul Prew (eds.),
The Oxford Handbook of Karl Marx (New York and London: Oxford University Press)
(published online 17 December 2018; DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190695545.013.25)
2018 b
Radical Philosophy Volume 2, Number 3 (December 2018)
(special thematic forum: “Dossier: Economies and Times of Deportation”
with contributions by Nicholas De Genova, Shahram Khosravi, Clara Lecadet, and William Walters)
2018 c
“Autonomy of Asylum? The Autonomy of Migration Undoing the Refugee Crisis Script”
(co-authored with Glenda Garelli and Martina Tazzioli)
Introduction to Special Thematic Issue on "The Autonomy of Migration within the Crises”
SAQ: South Atlantic Quarterly Volume 117, Number 2
2018 d
“Rebordering ‘the People’: Notes on Theorizing Populism”
SAQ: South Atlantic Quarterly Volume 117, Number 2
(special thematic issue: “Rethinking Migration and Autonomy from within the ‘Crises’”)
2018 e
“Desire for the Political in the Aftermath of the Cold War”
(co-authored with Dace Dzenovska)
Introduction to Special Thematic Section
Focaal: Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology Issue #80
2018 f
“Mediterranean Struggles for Movement and the European Government of Bodies:
An Interview with Étienne Balibar and Nicholas De Genova”
(Interview conducted by Glenda Garelli, Alessandra Sciurba, and Martina Tazzioli)
Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography Volume 50, Number 3 (June 2018; first published online: 17 August 2017)
(special thematic issue: “Mediterranean Movements: Mobility Struggles and the Humanitarian Frontier”)
2018 g
“The ‘Migrant Crisis’ as Racial Crisis: Do Black Lives Matter in Europe?”
Ethnic and Racial Studies Volume 41, Number 10 (August 2018; first published online: 21 August 2017)
(special thematic issue on "Race and Crisis")
2018 h
“Un/Free Mobility: Roma Migrants in the European Union”
(co-authored with Can Yıldız)
Social Identities Volume 24, Number 4 (2018; published online: 8 Jun 2017); DOI: 10.1080/13504630.2017.1335819
2018 i
“El espectáculo fronterizo de la ‘victimización’ del migrante”
(translated into Spanish by Hugo Córdova Quero)
Horizontes Decoloniales Number 4 (Santiago, Chile)
2018 j
“O espetáculo de fronteira da "vitimização" do migrante”
(translated into Portuguese by Hugo Córdova Quero)
Horizontes Decoloniales Number 4 (Santiago, Chile)
2017 a
“Introduction: The Borders of 'Europe' and the European Question”
in Nicholas De Genova, ed. The Borders of “Europe”: Autonomy of Migration, Tactics of Bordering
(Durham, NC: Duke University Press)
2017 b
Journal of Latin American Geography Volume 16, Number 1
(special thematic issue: “Critical Geographies in Latin America”)
2017 c
Un diálogo con Nicholas De Genova
Interview conducted and translated by Soledad Álvarez-Velasco
Revista Íconos (Journal of the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences [FLACSO], Ecuador), Number 58
(special thematic issue: Migraciones Internacionales en América Latina: miradas críticas a las producción de un campo de conocimientos; 2017)
2017 d
“Debate: The Free Movement of People around the World Would Be Utopian”
(IUAES World Congress, 5–10 August 2013)
featuring Simone Abram, Bela Feldman Bianco, Nicholas De Genova, Shahram Khosravi, and Noel Salazar
Identities Volume 24, Number 2 (published online: 21 March 2016)
2017 e
“The Whiteness of Innocence: Charlie Hebdo and the Metaphysics of Antiterrorism in Europe”
in Gavan Titley, Des Freedman, Gholam Khiabany and Aurélien Mondon (eds.),
After Charlie Hebdo: Terror, Racism and Free Speech (London: Zed Books)
2017 f
Afterword, in Shahram Khosravi (ed.), After Deportation: Ethnographic Perspectives (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan)
2017 g
“The Economy of Detainability: Theorizing Migrant Detention”
in Michael J. Flynn and Matthew B. Flynn, eds. Challenging Immigration Detention — Academics, Activists, Policymakers
(Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar)
2017 h
in Deborah R. Vargas, Nancy Ráquel Mirabal, and Lawrence La Fountain-Stokes (eds.),
Keywords for Latina/o Studies (New York: New York University Press, 2017)
2017 i
“Citizenship’s Shadow: Obscene Inclusion, Abject Belonging, or, the Regularities of Migrant ‘Irregularity’”
in Roberto G. Gonzáles and Nando Sigona (eds.), Within and Beyond Citizenship: Borders, Membership, and Belonging
(New York and London: Routledge)
2016 a
“The European Question: Migration, Race, and Postcoloniality in ‘Europe’”
Social Text Volume 34, Number 3 (Issue #128)
2016 b
“The ‘Native’s Point of View’ in the Anthropology of Migration”
Anthropological Theory Volume 16, Numbers 2-3
2016 c
“Europe / Crisis: New Keywords of ‘the Crisis’ in and of ‘Europe’”
A collective writing project involving 15 co-authors; coordinated, co-edited and introduced by Nicholas De Genova and Martina Tazzioli
Published by Near Futures Online, the online companion to the Zone Books series “Near Futures,” co-edited by Michel Feher and Wendy Brown (Issue #1: "Europe at a Crossroads"; 1 March 2016)
2016 d
Detention, Deportation, and Waiting: Toward a Theory of Migrant Detainability
Global Detention Project, Working Paper No. 18 (1 December 2016)
2016 e
“Toward a Marxian Anthropology? Bare, Abstract, Mobile, Global”
Dialectical Anthropology (solicited for 40th Anniversary issue) Volume 40, Number 2
2016 f
“The 'Crisis' of the European Border Regime: Towards a Marxist Theory of Borders”
International Socialism: A Quarterly Review of Socialist Theory Number 150
2016 g
“The ‘European’ Question: Migration, Race, and Post-Coloniality in ‘Europe’”
in Anna Amelina, Kenneth Horvath and Bruno Meeus (eds.),
An Anthology of Migration and Social Transformation: European Perspectives (London: IMISCOE Research Series/ Springer)
2016 h
“The Incorrigible Subject of the Border Spectacle”
in Amanda Haynes, Martin Power, Eoin Devereux, Aileen Dillane & James Carr (eds.)
Public and Political Discourses of Migration: International Perspectives (London: Rowman and Littlefield)
2016 i
“Economies of Dignity: Ideologies of Work and Worth among Mexican and Puerto Ricans in Chicago”
(co-authored with Ana Y. Ramos-Zayas)
in Ramón Gutiérrez and Tomás Almaguer (eds.),
The New Latino Studies Reader: A Twenty-First-Century Perspective (Berkeley: University of California Press).
2016 j
“The Incorrigible Subject: The Autonomy of Migration and the U.S. Immigration
in Andreas Oberprantacher & Andrei Siclodi (eds.),
Subjectivation in Political Theory and Contemporary Practices (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan)
2015 a
“Border Struggles in the Migrant Metropolis”
Nordic Journal of Migration Research Volume 5, Number 1
2015 b
“In the Land of the Setting Sun: Reflections on ‘Islamization’ and ‘Patriotic Europeanism’”
in Movements: Journal für kritische Migrations- und Grenzregimeforschung (Göttingen, Germany)
[Journal for Critical Migration and Border Regime Research] Volume 1, Number 2
2015 c
New Keywords: Migration and Borders
A collective writing project involving 17 co-authors, co-edited and introduced by Nicholas De Genova, Sandro Mezzadra, and John Pickles
(Special Thematic Section in Cultural Studies Volume 29, Number 1)
2015 d
“The Problem of Racialized Affect, and Affect as a Racial Problem”
Comment on Ulla D. Berg and Ana Y. Ramos-Zayas, “Racializing Affect: A Theoretical Proposition,”
Current Anthropology Volume 56, Number 5
2015 e
“As políticas queer de migração: reflexões sobre ‘ilegalidade’ e incorrigibilidade”
REMHU - Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana Volume 23, Number 45 (Brasília)
2015 f
“Denizens All: The Otherness of Citizenship”
in Bridget Anderson and Vanessa Hughes (eds.), Citizenship and Its Others (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan)
2015 g
“Extremities and Regularities: Regulatory Regimes and the Spectacle of Immigration Enforcement”
in Yolande Jansen, Robin Celikates, and Joost de Bloois (eds.),
The Irregularization of Migration in Contemporary Europe: Detention, Deportation, Drowning (London: Rowman & Littlefield)
2014 a
“Ethnography in Europe, or an Anthropology of Europe?”
Comment on Dace Dzenovska, “Bordering Encounters, Sociality and Distribution of the Ability to Live a ‘Normal Life’,”
Social Anthropology / Anthropologie Sociale Volume 22, Number 3
2014 b
in Bridget Anderson and Michael Keith (eds.),
Migration: A COMPAS Anthology (Centre on Migration, Policy and Society [COMPAS], Oxford: Oxford University Press)
2014 c
“Within and Against the Imperial University: Reflections on Crossing the Line”
in Piya Chatterjee and Sunaina Maira (eds.)
The Imperial University: Academic Repression and Scholarly Dissent (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2014).
2014 d
“Die queeren Politiken der Migration: Reflektionen über ‘Illegalität’ und Unverbesserlichkeit”
in Lisa-Marie Heimeshoff, Sabine Hess, Stefanie Kron, Helen Schwenken, and Miriam Trzeciak (eds.),
GrenzRegime II: Migration – Kontrolle – Wissen: Transnationale Perspektiven [Border Regime II. Migration - Control - Knowledge. Transnational Perspectives]. (Berlin: Assoziation A)
2013 a
“Spectacles of Migrant ‘Illegality’: The Scene of Exclusion, the Obscene of Inclusion”
Ethnic and Racial Studies Volume 36, Number 7 (special thematic issue on “Categorisation, Inclusion and Exclusion: Discourses on Migration since 1945”)
2013 b
“‘We Are of the Connections’: Migration, Methodological Nationalism, and ‘Militant Research’”
Postcolonial Studies Volume 16, Number 3 (special thematic issue on “Challenging the Discipline of Migration: Militant Research in Migration Studies”)
2013 c
Forum: “Foucault, Migrations, Borders”
(with Responses by Nicholas De Genova, Brett Neilson, and William Walters; in English, with Italian translation)
MaterialiFoucaultiani Volume 2, Number 3
2013 d
“Immigration ‘Reform’ and the Production of ‘Illegality’”
in Cecilia Menjívar and Daniel Kanstroom (eds.),
Constructing Immigrant “Illegality”: Experiences, Critiques, and Responses (New York: Cambridge University Press)
2013 e
“Poder Soberano y la ‘Nuda Vida’ de Elvira Arellano”
in Alejandra Aquino, Amarela Varela, and Frédéric Décosse (eds.),
Desafiando Froteras: Control de la Movilidad y Experiencias Migratorias en el Contexto Capitalista
(Oaxaca de Juárez, Mexico: Sur+Ediciones/ Frontera Press)
2013 f
“The Securitarian Society of the Spectacle”
in Zeynep Gambetti and Marcial Godoy-Anativia (eds.),
Rhetorics of Insecurity: Belonging and Violence in the Neoliberal Era (New York: New York Univsity Press)
2013 g
“The Perplexities of Mobility”
in Ola Söderström, Didier Ruedin, Shalini Randeria, Gianni D’Amato, and Francesco Panese (eds.),
Critical Mobilities (London: Routledge/Lausanne: Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes)
2013 h
“The Legal Production of Mexican/Migrant ‘Illegality’”
in Jonathan Xavier Inda and Julie Dowling (eds.),
Governing Immigration Through Crime: A Reader (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press)
2013 i
“The Legal Production of Mexican/Migrant ‘Illegality’”
in Sian Lazar, ed. The Anthropology of Citizenship: A Reader (Oxford, UK and Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell)
2012 a
“Bare Life, Labor-Power, Mobility, and Global Space: Toward a Marxian Anthropology?”
CR: The New Centennial Review Volume 12, Number 3
2012 b
“Border, Scene and Obscene”
in Thomas Wilson and Hastings Donnan (eds.),
A Companion to Border Studies (Oxford, UK and Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell)
2012 c
“The ‘War on Terror’ as Racial Crisis: Homeland Security, Obama, and Racial (Trans)Formations”
in Daniel HoSang, Oneka LaBennett, and Laura Pulido (eds.),
Racial Formation in the Twenty-First Century (Berkeley: University of California Press)
2011 a
“Spectacle of Security, Spectacle of Terror”
in Shelley Feldman, Charles Geisler, and Gayatri Menon (eds.),
Accumulating Insecurity: Violence and Dispossession in the Making of Everyday Life
(Athens: University of Georgia Press)
2011 b
“Alien Powers: Deportable Labour and the Spectacle of Security”
in Vicki Squire (ed.), The Contested Politics of Mobility: Borderzones and Irregularity (London: Routledge)
2010 a
“The Deportation Regime: Sovereignty, Space, and the Freedom of Movement”
Theoretical Overview, in Nicholas De Genova and Nathalie Peutz (eds.),
The Deportation Regime: Sovereignty, Space, and the Freedom of Movement (Durham, NC: Duke University Press)
2010 b
“Introduction” (co-authored with Nathalie Peutz),
in Nicholas De Genova and Nathalie Peutz (eds.),
The Deportation Regime: Sovereignty, Space, and the Freedom of Movement (Durham, NC: Duke University Press)
2010 c
“The Queer Politics of Migration: Reflections on ‘Illegality’ and Incorrigibility”
Studies in Social Justice Volume 4, Number 2 (special thematic issue on “Migrant Rights Activism”)
2010 d
Identities Volume17, Number 6 (special thematic issue on “The New Frontiers of Race”)
2010 e
“Migration and Race in Europe: The Trans-Atlantic Metastases of a Post-Colonial Cancer”
European Journal of Social Theory Volume 13, Number 3
2010 f
“The Management of ‘Quality’: Class Decomposition and Racial Formation in a Chicago Factory”
Dialectical Anthropology Volume 34, Number 2 (with Commentaries)
2010 g
“Production, Class, Race … and Labor as Subject: Reply to Mishler, Harney, and Roediger”
Dialectical Anthropology Volume 34, Number 2 (Response to Commentaries)
2010 h
“‘White Puerto Rican’ Migrants, the Mexican Colony, and ‘Americanization’: Reflections on a Moment of Danger in Latino History”
in Mérida Rúa (ed.), Latino Urban Ethnography and the Work of Elena Padilla (Urbana: University of Illinois Press)
2010 i
“Latino Racial Formations in the United States” (with Ana Y. Ramos-Zayas)
in Heather Dalmage and Barbara Katz Rothman (eds.),
Race in an Era of Change: A Reader (New York: Oxford University Press)
2009 a
“Conflicts of Mobility and the Mobility of Conflict: Rightlessness, Presence, Subjectivity, Freedom”
Subjectivity Volume 29, Number 1
2009 b
“Sovereign Power and the ‘Bare Life’ of Elvira Arellano”
Feminist Media Studies Volume 9, Number 2
2009 c
“‘Illegale’ Migranten, ‘Migrantenrechten’ en ‘Antiterrorisme’ in de Verenigde Staten”
Kritiek: Jaarboek voor socialistische Discussie en Analyse 2009 (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
2009 d
“The Production of Culprits: From Deportability to Detainability in the Aftermath of ‘Homeland Security’”
in Peter Nyers (ed.), Securitizations of Citizenship (New York: Routledge)
2008 a
“‘American’ Abjection: ‘Chicanos,’ Gangs, and Mexican/Migrant Transnationality in Chicago”
Aztlán: A Journal of Chicano Studies Volume 33, Number 2
2008 b
“Inclusion through Exclusion: Explosion or Implosion?”
Amsterdam Law Forum Volume 1, Number 1 (available at:
(reprinted in Special Issue: Amsterdam Law Forum in Review, 2008-2011; Year III - May 2011)
2007 a
Citizenship Studies Volume 11, Number 5
2007 b
“The Stakes of an Anthropology of the United States”
CR: The New Centennial Review Volume 7, Number 2
2007 c
“The Everyday Civil War: Migrant Labor, Capital, and Latino Studies”
in Juan Flores and Renato Rosaldo (eds.),
A Companion to Latino Studies (New York: Blackwell)
2006 a
“Introduction: Latino and Asian Racial Formations at the Frontiers of U.S. Nationalism”
in Nicholas De Genova (ed.), Racial Transformations: Latinos and Asians Remaking the United States
(Durham, NC: Duke University Press)
2006 b
“The Everyday Civil War: Migrant Working Men, Within and Against Capital”
Ethnography Volume 7, Number 2
2006 c
“The Legal Production of Mexican/Migrant ‘Illegality’”
in Suzanne Oboler (ed.), Latinos and Citizenship: The Dilemma of Belonging (New York: Palgrave)
“La production légal de l’‘illégalité’ des migrants/ Mexicains”
in Emmanuel Grez and Coline Pellegrini (eds.),
Politiques migratoires: grandes et petites manoeuvres (Lyon: Éditions Carobella Ex-Natura)
2004 a
“The Legal Production of Mexican/Migrant ‘Illegality’”
Latino Studies Volume 2, Number 2
2004 b
“La producción legal de la ‘ilegaledad’ migrante mexicana”
Estudios Migratorios Latinoamericanos Number 52 (Buenos Aires)
2004 c
“La produzione giuridica dell’illegalità: Il caso dei migranti messicani negli Stati Uniti”
in Sandro Mezzadra (ed),
I confini della libertà: Per un'analisi politica delle migrazioni contemporanee (Rome: DeriveApprodi)
2003 a
(co-authored with Ana Y. Ramos-Zayas)
Journal of Latin American Anthropology Volume 8, Number 2
2003 b
“Latino Racial Formations in the United States: An Introduction”
(co-authored with Ana Y. Ramos-Zayas)
Journal of Latin American Anthropology Volume 8, Number 2
“Migrant ‘Illegality’ and Deportability in Everyday Life”
Annual Review of Anthropology #31
“Race, Space, and the Reinvention of Latin America in Mexican Chicago”
Latin American Perspectives Volume 25, Number 5 (Issue #102)
1995 a
“Gangster Rap and Nihilism in Black America: Some Questions of Life and Death”
Social Text #43
1995 b
“Check Your Head: The Cultural Politics of Rap Music”
Transition #67

Chicago, 2017 (N. De Genova)